Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Walkie 2 - A nom-stop tour around Southwold

About 6km according to the iBone

Loads! This walk has to have the most nom stops ever, there be several pubs,cafes,delis,a bakery and 2 chip shops most on route.

There is free parking near the Water Tower or Rugby ground or worse case down by the harbour. You needs a bit of patience if its school hollibob time but you is a terrier (probably) so show determinashun and you will find somewhere.....

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Why should I do it you ask yourself...
Noms. Nuff said.

But if you does be thinking that's a bit shallow then here's some other reasons. It does be a nice flat walk and you can take anything from about 1 1/2 hours to all day if you do all nom stops. (If you doesn't like "berds" then maybe its not for you, sometimes there are lots, I think the tourists might feed them. (When I last went it was a bit like Alfred Hitchcock film set just without any sadistic humilatshuns what I seen on the tele program.) 

Anyways, moving swiftly on...this walkie takes you from town centre where there be an 'orse on sundays and in school holidays that can take you (yes well behaved doggies can go!) in a cart down to the harbour, there is a big beach,sand dunes, a working fishing harbour and a common. I has sometimes even seen seals in the harbour but you has to be patient to see them (bit likes the parking).

Orse in background

Wild Lifes
Seals (maybe if you is v lucky) there also be a speedboat can take hoomans to see them if they want to down at the harbour. Lots of berds, Avocets,Redshank,Shoveler,Lapwing, Starling clouds.

I thought I would share some history about the town before we gets started. Southwold was mentioned in the Domesday book in 1086 as a fishing port and was very impawtant after Dunwich fell into the sea (old fishing town along coast). On a hill over the beach (and located near one of my nom stops) is Gun Hill. There are 6 cannons there to comemerate the battle of Sole Bay in 1672 between the English and French on one side and the Dutch on the other. In WW2 the guns had to be buried so they didn't make the town a target for specific bombing. Many celebrities have houses in the area ( we has seen some) and its often referred to as Islington on Sea.

maybe I need a yacht?

So once again, time for the walk.....

Start out at the Market Square in the town centre. This is conveniently located by the butchers ;-)

If you need some noms for the hoomans there are lots of delis,cafes and a bakery that you can buy take aways from. If you is impatient for the sea head down East Street and to the seafront past The Nelson Pub (nom and drink stop). Otherwise cross over from the market square into Lorne Road. At the end of the road is one of the free car parks and this is where we will end up after our big walkie. There is a big stone opposite comemorating the life and bequest of William Godell who left land to the town.But for now head downhill following the trees on the right.

 If you prefers to you can go into the trees, called Waters Copse, as they run parallel to the road. Either way you will end up at a junction onto Ferry Road. Go down Ferry Road leaving the sea to your left and very soon you will see a footpath up to the left going onto the dunes and Gun Hill Cafe on the beach (nom stop and the guns I mentioned) if you hasn't stopped for noms take a right and walk along the dunes so sea is on your left. This part of the beach allows us doggies on all year around :---) but always check in case they change that...

Beach on a windy day - note blown about ears..

That should be a nice walkie which will bring you to the harbour entrance, here there is another nom stop! (you gets the idea now there are alot) and also for the hoomans some erherm "public conveniences". If you want a bit of local history by now you can look at The Alfred Corry Museum here who is kind enough to leave water out for their doggy friends.  

The Alfred Corry was built in 1893 and was Southwolds first lifeboat.  The boat has been renovated and you can see it in the boathouse there. Opposite is the modern RNLI Lifeboat station and a little gift shop. Some of you may have been to this area as its also a popular hollibob stop at the caravan park next door.

Head down the road now leaving the lifeboat station to your left. The tarmac now goes a bit stoney but still flat. On the opposite bank is Walberswick, a place very popular for hanging bacon in the sea and catching crabs. I hasn't done it myself as heard they are a bit bitey but its a very popular occupation and they has competishuns in the summertime. On the right at the end of the caravan park is a footpath, if you is feeling tired you can head back into town, but if you is an intrepid dog you can keep going :) On the left then is where hoomans can go on speedboats for the seals. 

Then just after that, you guessed its some more noms! There is a fantastic fish and seafood shop also which does cold seafood platters indoors but you can also take away. Next door is a smokehouse and a chip shop.

The "Berds"!

If you can still move after all the noms then keep walking along the harbour. There's yet another nom stop at the cafe then another fish shop, closely followed by the Harbour Inn (all this in space of about 10 min walk so don't be peaking too soon with the noms). The Harbour Inn is very famous and a nice place to sit down for a drink if its sunny. To this point you will have walked around 2.7km.

a pint of Adnams and some cheese and onion crisps  please,
what does you mean they aren't good for dogs?

Potential for needing a bath....

Once again if you is tired you can take a right on the road next to the Inn back up into the town, but otherwise head straight on and onto the public footpath. Follow the path along the riverbank to a bridge, here you can cross over onto the Walberswick side of the river. I has gone over there a little way to show you the view as there's an old windpump but the proper route over there we save for another big walkie day over that side.

Come back over the bridge, you now have two options, take the roadway directly opposite or the footpath which would be leaving the bridge behind to the left. Both is about the same distance.

Gorse on the common

 Either way you will will have the choice eventually to go up onto the common, The common is mainly gorse and in spring is very pretty.

If you take the footpath you come to this gate,take a left though it to get to the common

or another way onto common through this...
At around 4km from the start assuming you has taken my route you come across a signpost, straight on you go to Pier Avenue and from there you can go to the Pier (more noms) or if you choose the common you will cut off the corner and come out by the water tower and pub (noms again).

you is looking for this

If you go across the common just be carefuls for the golf course...there are some signs but you does take your life in your paws a bit that way but does give walk an extra frisson of danger and excitement ;-) 

You will then come out at the junction of Godyll Road by the rugby field and you can follow that back to the big stone and the free car park. If you still has room or the hoomans want a drink by now head up Lorne Road to the Red Lion for noms and beers. You should then be back near the Market Square where started out.

I hopes you enjoy the walk or even if you does find it too far to have your chau-fur drive you that its given you something to smile about today.

I does be signing off for today as very tired after all the nom testing and walkies. 

Take care pals


@Hetty_Bear, proudmember of the #BTPosse


  1. I haz been to Sowfwold my pal....i seems to remember gettin some of them chips too....and runnin on da beach. Very good werk....

  2. thanks Marley, they is v good chips, i always has to be dragged away from the leftover ones I find ;-))Am on strict lead duties on the beach now though after an unfortunate incident recently where I became temporarily deaf and ran away to find a dead seal. Total misunderstanding.
